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New Chance Roleplay Guide!

Something we've come to terms with here at NCRP is that not everyone has roleplayed before, or has roleplayed in different scenarios. It can be difficult to fully understand how to get started or, how you can improve your level of roleplay.

Well this guide has been created with that sole purpose, to give players something to reference and hopefully allow for better, more in depth roleplay on the server! Don't get us wrong, we know people aren't perfect, mistakes happen and there is a learning curve to things like this. Our staff will always pursue educating players over punishing them for roleplay based offences in the city, so they may have directed you here to hopefully help you understand more of our expectations.

Below is an index of the sections here within the roleplay guide, each one has a short description and guidance, you can click on the titles featured on the left, these will direct you to their section which has more detail to be viewed.

Basic Information

Lets get the basics out of the way, in this section you can find links and information regarding our rules, keybinds, how we handle reports and how we want you to handle bugs within the game.

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Understanding the keybinds is important! They allow you to navigate scenarios and open features the city provides.

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Slash commands are huge for roleplaying and adding to a situation, from emotes to make people laugh, all the way to surrendering and putting your hands up!

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Not everyone will abide by our rules and understanding how to approach these can be difficult, this section covers how to report and what to do in terms of roleplaying out a rule break.

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Roleplaying is using the correct terminology for certain phrases, sometimes balancing out of character with in character can be hard, but this section gives ideas around that.


Before creating your character, think about who they are, what is their life story, what made them the person they are today? Characters are likely to be 20+ years old, meaning your character will need some plot lines that explains who they are, where they've come from, and their current life experiences that have led to them relocating their lives to a new city.

What are your characters goals in the city? What drives you, what is your end goal for your character. Think about their backstory and why you are choosing that motivation for your character, whether it be crime related or you're a law abiding citizen, there is lots to accomplish here in the city and you should have a rough idea of where you see that character down the road.

Thinking about the things that make your character recognisable, whether it's a bad temper, shy, boisterous, people pleaser etc. It's these little features that can really define why people recognise you when you bump into them and what they remember when you part ways.

Adaptive Story -
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This ones quite easy, nothing is set in stone! Your character will have a set path from above, but this can change drastically depending on events that happen to your character. There is no shame in taking a loss that opens up more avenues of roleplay and character development, you need to be flexible about your approach and keep your character feelings in character.

Character development

Now all the basic bits are out the way, we move into how your character should develop as stories progress. Some of the key do's and don'ts within roleplay that will bring you a better in depth story, more positive interactions and overall a more enjoyable journey for you and your character.

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Separating in character events and your personal feelings is key to being a great roleplayer. Don't get angry at others out of character, it's your character who is angry not you.

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Sometimes situations just don't need to be extra, in this section we cover how basic interactions can mean bigger things overall, only be extra if it warrants extra.

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When it comes to injuries, you are expected to provide the most enriching experience for both you as well as the medics in charge of treating your injuries.

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Taking a loss within roleplay is extremely important, in a lot of cases not winning a situation actually provides a bigger story arc for your character.

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Finally we have the section that will cover your creative mind, giving you food for thought about doing more than just being a lone wolf money grinder.